Oilfield Filtration Chemicals
In addition to filtration products and services, Pro-T offers a variety of oilfield chemicals for cleaning the wellbore, displacing drilling mud or seawater to completion fluid, and maintaining and treating completion fluids during the entire completion stage. Our chemicals include:

Polymers/Viscosifiers (Sweeps and Fluid Loss)
Pro-T's line of viscosifiers includes Pro Vis and Pro Xan. Pro Vis and Pro Xan are environmentally-friendly with a broad range of pH tolerance, stability under high shear and temperature up to 300° F. Pro-Vis can be used as sweeps during wellbore cleaning, displacements, and fluid loss situations. Data sheets and MSDS available on request.
Chemical Properties
- Appearance: Light Brown
- Density: 8.72 lbs/gal
- SG: 1.06
- FP: +200° F
- pH: 7.0
Calcium Carbonate Fine/Medium/Coarse
Used to increase mud density. Also used in fluid loss situations in combination with polymers. It can be dissolved with hydrochloric acid. Available in 50 lb sacks.
Handling and Safety Precautions
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. In case of contact, flush immediately with plenty of fresh, clean water for 15 minutes. Contact with eyes will require immediate flushing with fresh water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Proper safety gear and safety equipment should be used at all times when handling chemicals.
Feeding and Dosage
Pro-Vis and Pro-Xan are used at concentration of .5% to 1.0%
Both Pro Vis and Pro Xan are available in
5 gal pails.
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Pro-T offers a variety of degreasers and flocculants for flushing surface equipment and wellbore cleaning. Well Surf 1000 is a well flushing agent that is a multi-functional product that removes scale, oily residue, grease, mud, solids and rust. A combination of oil and water soluble surfactants, wetting agents, solvents and flocculants that aids in removing solids and increases cleaning efficiency. Other types of degreasers and flocculants available. Data sheets and MSDS available on request.
Chemical Properties
- Appearance: Clear with Yellow Tint
- Density: 8.3 lbs/gal
- SG: .99
- FP: > 180° F
- BP: > 350° F
Handling and Safety Precautions
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. In case of contact, flush immediately with plenty of fresh, clean water for 15 minutes. Contact with eyes will require immediate flushing with fresh water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Proper safety gear and safety equipment should be used at all times when handling chemicals.
Feeding and Dosage
- 5 gals per bbl when flushing through pumps, manifolds and cleaning pits.
- For a displacement sweep use 15% concentration
Well Surf 1000 is available in 330/550 gal totes, 55 gal drums and 5 gal pails.
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Additives and Miscellaneous Chemicals
Pro-T Company can handle and supply for all your chemical needs from the initial displacement through turning the well over to production. This includes defoamers, KCI replacement/clay stabilizers, calcium carbonate, caustic soda and magnesium oxide. Data sheets and MSDS are available on request.
KCI Replacement / Clay Stabilizer
Contains a high concentration of non-surface active organic salts in an aqueous solution. It is non-toxic and biodegradable. It can be used as a KCI replacement. Ratio can be used in a concentration of 1 to 2 gals per 1,000 gals of fluid for a 2% KCI system. Available in 55 gal drums or 5 gal pails.
Caustic Soda
Used in water-based mud systems and some light completion fluids to increase or maintain pH. Available in 50 lb sacks.
Magnesium Oxide
Used to maintain pH. Also used as a breaker in certain viscosity fluids. Available in 50 lb sacks.
Very low concentration needed to eliminate foaming. Used in sweeps, inhibitors and filter units – or where severe foaming occurs. Available in 5 gal pails.
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Corrosion Inhibitors
Pro-T's line of corrosion inhibitors includes CST 5000, Oxygen scavengers and Biocides. CST 5000 is a three-in-one packer fluid containing oxygen scavengers and biocides. It will control corrosion due to CO2, inorganic salts, dissolved oxygen and H2S contamination.
Chemical Properties (CST 5000)
- Appearance: Brown
- Odor: Amonic-like Odor
- Density: 8.39 lbs/gal
- SG: 1.005 - 1.010
- FP: 101° F
- pH: 8.2 - 8.8
Handling and Safety Precautions
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. In case of contact, flush immediately with plenty of fresh, clean water for 15 minutes. Contact with eyes will require medical attention. Proper safety gear and safety equipment should be used at all times when handling chemicals.
Feeding and Dosage
CST 5000 is recommended for use in salt water drilling fluids that will come in contact with hydrocarbon producing formations. A treatment rate of 55 gals per 100 to 155 bbls of fluid is recommended.
- Oxygen Scavengers - 1 pail per 500 bbls
- Biocide - .2 to .5 lbs per bbl
- CST 5000 is available in totes and 55 gallon drums.
- Oxygen scavengers and biocides available in 5 gallon pails
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Completion Fluids
Pro-T offers a full line of dry sack material including drilling salt, KCI, CaCI2, CaBr2 and ZnBr2. Pro-T carries sack material for all types of completion fluids. All materials available in bulk and sacks. Data Sheets and MSDS available upon request.
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For more information on filtration displacement chemicals, please contact one of our chemical experts. We continually deliver peace-of-mind to our customers through service, professionalism, safety, reliability and performance.